How Wi-Fi hacking is done? Methods and Prevention

Hey there anonymous user,

So, let’s talk about something we all rely on but might not always think about: Wi-Fi. It’s the invisible thread that keeps us connected to the digital world, whether we’re streaming movies, working from home, surfing through websites, or chatting with friends. But just like with anything valuable, there are people out there trying to exploit it for their gain. Yep, we’re talking about Wi-Fi hacking.

Now, Wi-Fi hacking isn’t just something you see in movies or web shows. It’s real, and it’s a threat to our privacy and security. But don’t worry, we will understand how it works and take some simple steps that can help keep our Wi-Fi safe and sound.

Lets go from basic then;

What You Need to Know About Wi-Fi Hacking?

1. Cracking Passwords:

Think of Wi-Fi passwords like keys to your house. Hackers use different tricks to try to pick those locks. They might try thousands of combinations until they find the right one. It’s like a digital guessing game, and if your password is weak, they might just guess their way in. Process of guessing password is called cracking.

2. Wi-Fi Phishing:

Ever heard of fishing with a bait? Wi-Fi phishing is kinda like that. Hackers create fake Wi-Fi networks that looks real like your Wi-Fi network. When you connect to them, they can see everything you do online, from your emails to your bank accounts. Even they also can create fake wireless networks that may seem working fine but its a way for hackers to get your secret data. Scary, right?

3. Packet Sniffing:

Imagine if someone was eavesdropping(secretly listening) on your conversations. That’s what packet sniffing does to your Wi-Fi data. It listens in on the information passing through your network, grabbing anything valuable it can find. It may be your Wi-Fi password hash file.

Ok lets talk how actually hackers hack Wi-Fi Networks:

  1. First of all they try to capture handshake file.
    • Handshake: When a device connects to a Wi-Fi network, it engages in a handshake process with the access point. This process involves several steps where the device and the access point exchange information to establish a secure connection.
    • Capturing Handshake: During the handshake process, there’s an exchange of cryptographic keys and other information necessary for establishing encrypted communication. Tools like Wireshark or aircrack-ng can capture this exchange if someone is monitoring the network traffic.
    • Handshake File: The captured handshake is typically saved as a file. This file contains the data exchanged during the handshake, including the cryptographic information needed to potentially crack the Wi-Fi password.
  2. Now, when they get handshake file of specific network they try to bruteforce the password matching the captured hash file. This often involves dictionary or brute-force attacks to guess the password based on the captured handshake data.

It’s important to note that capturing handshake files and attempting to crack Wi-Fi passwords without permission is illegal and unethical. These techniques are often used by security professionals for legitimate purposes such as testing the security of their own networks or conducting authorized penetration testing.

Ok Lets Perform Demo on Our Own Wi-Fi Network

Again, performing any kind of hacking or cracking activities without permission of owner is illegal. This post is for only educational purpose!

To hack any kind of network first you need to monitor the network. So you need a wifi adapter: It might cost you from ($7 to $700) ~(NRS. 250 to NRS. 25000+).

Wifi Adapter

Supports: Monitor Mode and Packet Injection .

Price USD: $7 – $700

Price NRS: Rs.250 – Rs. 25000+

  • Open Kali Linux goto Terminal with root permission:
  • Type: wifite and hit enter. It should now enable monitor mode and start scanning available wifi networks
  • If monitor mode doesnot enables or shows any error follow these steps:
  • ifconfig wlan0 down
  • iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
  • ifconfig wlan0 up
  • When you enter wifite, It should show like this:

TP-Link_4836 is my wifi network and 1 device is connected with it. It is wps enabled so this will be very easy to attack.

  • Now press Ctrl+C and choose the number your network has, in my case my network is in 2nd position.
  • Then just relax, It will automatically try all the possible method to attack.


Prevention From Hackers

So how to prevent your wifi network from hackers:

  1. Use strong Password of different combinations: (a-z,@-.,/0987654321)
  2. Don’t use weak and commonly guessed passwords (saturday, happybirthday, superman etc..)
  3. Disable WPS on your router(Contact your ISP or go througn your wifi gateway << login >> .
  4. Set your wifi encryption type as: WPA-2/PSK.


This post is for educational purposes only! Hacking wifi network without permission is totally illegal and this page does not promote any hacking activities. Using this method of wifi hacking you can check your wifi vulnerabilities and take steps accordingly.

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